This page is meant to be updated, gradually, with the addition of new cards
In the pages linked below – which by their nature will always be “work in progress” – I will try to tell, through cards and more or less in summary, what I have learned about the cultivation of the kinds of cactaceae that I cultivate. What I summarize in these cards derives from what I have learned through my direct experience in several years of cultivation and through the consultation of numerous texts by internationally recognized authors. Although these cards have no claim to “universality”, their content still derives from research consolidated over time.
Furthermore, if you are interested in knowing from which part of the world a certain cactus or a particular succulent plant comes from, you can consult the maps contained in a specific article that can be reached by clicking here.
Genera from A to C
Genera from D to F
Genera from G to L
Genera from M to R
Genera from S to Z
Succulent plants
For information and descriptions of succulent plants belonging to families other than that of the Cactaceae you can search directly in the appropriate section of the site, at this link.
© The texts, videos, photos and graphic elaborations of the site “Il fiore tra le spine” are original material and are covered by copyright. It’s forbidden to reproduce them in any way.