From mid-April the cactus blooms come to life: a stunning photo gallery

Mammillaria hahniana

Mammillaria, Turbinicarpus, Ancistrocactus, Echinocereus, Lobivia. These are just some of the many kinds of cacti that bloom in the month of April, in late spring. In this time of year, with the increase in temperatures and with the first waterings, it can be said that the cactus blooms really come to life to follow one another continuously until summer.

In this photo gallery we see some of the blooms of these days in my greenhouse. (…)

Different kinds of cactaceae have early blooms, such as many Turbinicarpus, many Ancistrocactus, Stenocactus, some Mammillaria. However, it can be said that most of the species begin to open flowers in the month of April, starting from the second half and throughout the month of May, when the Astrophytum with their golden yellow flowers are added. Most of the blooms, in April, belong to the genus Mammillaria. The species belonging to this genus that bloom in this period are really many. Their blooms are always abundant, very showy: if in fact the single flowers are small, the flowers that open at the same time are very many and form the characteristic “crown” at the apex of these plants. Among the most generous species, certainly M. hahniana, M. senilis, M. lasiacantha, M. chionocephala. Very generous are also the Turbinicarpus, which give their blooms throughout the months ranging from March to late September. Equally generous are the Strombocactus disciformis, re-flowering almost all year round.

Cactus cards, to know everything about the various kinds of cacti.

Below is a rundown with some of my blooms from this period. To make cacti bloom in all their abundance, you can read this specific article

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Useful links

How to repot cacti and succulent plants
Substrates for cacti and succulents
The correct soil: the materials you can use

© The texts, videos, photos and graphic elaborations of the site “Il fiore tra le spine” are original material and are covered by copyright. It’s forbidden to reproduce them in any way.

Mammillaria senilis
Mammillaria senilis
Mammillaria polythele cv un pico
Mammillaria polythele cv un pico
Mammillaria hahniana
Mammillaria hahniana
Mammillaria sp.
Mammillaria perbella
Mammillaria perbella
Mammillaria humboldtii
Mammillaria humboldtii
Mammillaria bocasana mia semina
Mammillaria bocasana
Mammillaria chionocephala
Mammillaria chionocephala
Lobivia ferox
Lobivia ferox
Lobivia ferox
Lobivia ferox
Strombocactus disciformis
Strombocactus disciformis
Copiapoa sp.
Astrophytum ibrido fiore rosso
Astrophytum hybrid red flower
Gymnocalycium monvillei
Gymnocalycium monvillei
Echinocereus apachensis
Echinocereus apachensis
Echinocactus texensis
Echinocactus texensis
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